牡丹菇 (灰白色)
鳯尾菇 (啡色)
榆黃菇 (金黃色)
粉紅玫瑰菇 (粉紅色)
迷你盒裝 適合作禮品用途* (~330ml,~8×16cm)
生產裝 適合自己在家培植,收成更多更持久 (~1500ml,~11x23cm)
* 迷你盒裝來訊查詢貨存,只有少量現貨,下單到付運需預留2~3星期時間
加入我們的小菇農group 一同分享,了解更多
[Mushroom Grow Kit]
Our kit compose by coffee waste and sawdust recycled locally in HK.
Cultivating mushroom are not limited to strict controlled environment, you can have a success at home too.
Get you fantastic experience of observing mushroom development and have your own cultivated mushroom freshly to your dishes.
You will need to spray water to keep the bag constantly moisten, the mushroom mycelia will reward you by the mushroom.
No synthetic additive was added to the substrate, with only coffee grain waste and organic composts bring you a nutritious health lifestyle.
Culture available:
Grey Oyster (Grey)
Phoenix Oyster (Brown)
Golden Oyster (Yellow)
Pink Oyster (Pink)
Size: (instruction sheet included)
Gift pack in cardboard box* (~330ml,~8*16cm)
Production pack without packing for home grower (~1500ml, ~11*23cm)
*Gift pack only small quantity available in stock per month, 2~3weeks pre-order period required.
The development of mushroom and its mycelium are highly sensitive to the light, aeration and humidity level of the environment. The outlook of the formed mushroom may vary from bag to bag. Number of flushes (harvest) and the quantity of each flush depends also depends on harvest timing and the condition of the bag. Any insect (anything move) and contamination (e.g. green mould, sticky or smelly tissue) observed should be removed (just cut out the bad part) as soon.
Please join our grower group to share your grow experience
牡丹菇 (灰白色)
鳯尾菇 (啡色)
榆黃菇 (金黃色)
粉紅玫瑰菇 (粉紅色)
迷你盒裝 適合作禮品用途* (~330ml,~8×16cm)
生產裝 適合自己在家培植,收成更多更持久 (~1500ml,~11x23cm)
* 迷你盒裝來訊查詢貨存,只有少量現貨,下單到付運需預留2~3星期時間
加入我們的小菇農group 一同分享,了解更多
[Mushroom Grow Kit]
Our kit compose by coffee waste and sawdust recycled locally in HK.
Cultivating mushroom are not limited to strict controlled environment, you can have a success at home too.
Get you fantastic experience of observing mushroom development and have your own cultivated mushroom freshly to your dishes.
You will need to spray water to keep the bag constantly moisten, the mushroom mycelia will reward you by the mushroom.
No synthetic additive was added to the substrate, with only coffee grain waste and organic composts bring you a nutritious health lifestyle.
Culture available:
Grey Oyster (Grey)
Phoenix Oyster (Brown)
Golden Oyster (Yellow)
Pink Oyster (Pink)
Size: (instruction sheet included)
Gift pack in cardboard box* (~330ml,~8*16cm)
Production pack without packing for home grower (~1500ml, ~11*23cm)
*Gift pack only small quantity available in stock per month, 2~3weeks pre-order period required.
The development of mushroom and its mycelium are highly sensitive to the light, aeration and humidity level of the environment. The outlook of the formed mushroom may vary from bag to bag. Number of flushes (harvest) and the quantity of each flush depends also depends on harvest timing and the condition of the bag. Any insect (anything move) and contamination (e.g. green mould, sticky or smelly tissue) observed should be removed (just cut out the bad part) as soon.
Please join our grower group to share your grow experience
- 選項 Option: 粉紅玫瑰菇 / 迷你盒裝
- 產品類型 Product Type: 生活小品 Lifestyle & Handcrafts
- 品牌 Brand: Urban Mushroom 香城遺菇
- 系列 Collection: 精選禮物 Gifts