關於我們 About Us

TECM Mall 是由豐盛社企學會 (FSES) 籌辦的一站式社企產品購物平台,集合多間本地社會企業(社企)、過百件精選社企產品,讓大眾可以更方便地選購社企產品,並不時推出優惠,期望大家一起「以消費改變世界」,扶助弱勢。

為連結本地社企一同推動良心消費,TECM Mall 採取零上架費和零抽佣政策,如果社企希望加入平台,歡迎電郵到 tecmmall@fses.hk 與我們聯絡。

一般查詢: tecmmall@fses.hk


關於豐盛社企學會 (FSES) 


豐盛社企學會有限公司成立於2011年,是香港首個以知識型義工結合而成的非牟利組織,旨在召集各界專業人士成為義工,以知識和經驗推動香港社會企業及社會創新的發展。 我們籌辦的活動,涉獵政、商、社、學、民等各界別,讓香港社創得以深化扎根,同時着意創建一套可以落實執行的知識體系,以知識推動社創實踐,以社創轉化城市文化。


One-stop shopping platform for Social Enterprise (SE) products hosted by Fullness Social Enterprises Society Limited. Bringing hundreds of SE products to your home at your fingertips! Different promotions will be announced on the platform, let us “Consume To Pay It Forward”!

Connecting social enterprises to promote ethical consumption together!

TECM Mall adopts a zero listing fee and zero commission policy. If a social enterprise wants to join the platform, please contact us via tecmmall@fses.hk.


About Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES)

Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) was set up as a non-profit organisation in 2011. Its mission is to promote social entrepreneurship development and city transformation in Hong Kong for societal betterment through a team of pracademic and knowledge volunteers. Its scope includes research, experiment, create, publish, educate and provide consultation on social entrepreneurship. The goal is to develop a structured Social Entrepreneurship Body of Knowledge (SE-BoK) for Hong Kong. The unique competences of FSES include strategic planning, leadership, hybrid organisation management, social innovation, social impact measurement, and transformative learning.