Story : The 4 girls break the barriers of each other, transcend their own shortcomings and limitations, and create communion, peace and love together.
4位女生打破彼此隔閡, 超越自身缺欠和限制,一起創造共融、和平與愛。
尺寸Size : 450 x 450 mm
物料Material : PU Leather Cover with pillow 印花仿皮套, 絨綿枕芯
包裝Package : clear plastic bag透明膠袋
**The illustration is designed by Youth with Intellectual Disability
- 選項 Option: PU Pattern Cushion
- 產品類型 Product Type: 生活小品 Lifestyle & Handcrafts
- 品牌 Brand: 星匠藝術禮品 StarUp Wonders Gift Shop
- 系列 Collection: 生活小品 Lifestyle & Handcrafts