【星匠無限】Art Empower Workshop - DIY Leather 共融皮藝自作業

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Title | Card Holder workshop - 10 people

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由星匠藝術家陪伴參觀者體驗不一樣的手作,及了解手作皮革過程,而環保皮革上的印花由智障青年藝術家合作繪畫, 讓大眾欣賞和肯定他們的才華和能力.

We teach art skills and crafts to youths with intellectual disabilities and then organize art workshops for different groups, schools, companies, etc., such as DIY leather workshops. Through the workshops, youths with intellectual disabilities serve as activity assistants to promote social inclusion.
Visitors will be accompanied by StarUp Artists to experience different handicrafts and learn about the handmade leather process, while the prints on the microfiber leather will be collaboratively painted by youths with intellectual disabilities, allowing the public to appreciate and recognize their talents and abilities.

Inquire via by starupwonders@gmail.com or whatsApp 70758814