【SIU Vision】您捐1,我捐1 : SIU 生態保育有機米 36kg You donate 1, I donate 1 Wildlife Friendly Organic Jasmine Rice

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Title | 您捐一, 我捐一 : 惜食堂. You donate 1, I donate 1 : Food Angel

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購買禮物,社會企業 代您送給弱勢社群!

Purchase from this collection and designated social enterprise will donate the products to the underprivileged on behalf of you!

受益群體惜食堂 Food Angel


您捐1, 我捐1: HK$1,000/36kg
捐贈: 36kg
*在2023 年 4 月30日之前送 惜食堂 Food Angel

山好,水好,米好, 身體好! 選用非基因改造及連贏三年『世界最好大米獎』的品種。                                                                     
生態保育米有別於一般有機米農地, 由一班野生動物保護協會的生態保育專家及PHD監測水質及500,000公顷生態環境(相等於333個米埔自然保護區). 保護瀕臨絕種巨䴉! 給予1,500農民公平的價格購買米, 促進人與野生動物共存。



SIU Vision 是一家推動公平貿易理念,生態保育的高品質健康食品社企。  

SIU Vision 連續3年獲香港公平貿易聯盟嘉許"公平企業銀賞"。               

SIU Vision 給予農民公平的價格購買,幫助他們賺取有尊嚴、足以生活的金錢,有助脫貧。
Buy to donate 計劃將於2023年2月28日完結,您所訂講的禮物會於2022年4月30日前由社企代送予受助群體,一同分享愛。

You donate 1, I donate 1: HK$1,000/36kg

Donation: 18kg * 2 =36kg

*Send on/before April 30th, 2023*

SIU Jasmine Rice is pure & delicious!    
SIU Jasmine rice is grown by 1,500 Cambodian farmers committed to the strictest environmental standards by WCS(Wildlife Conversation Society): they don't use chemicals, and they don't allow trees to be cleared or wild animals to be poached on their land. In return, they are paid a premium for their Crops.

As a result, a uniquely diverse ecosystem in northern Cambodia (equivalent to 333 Mai Po Nature Reserve). is being safeguarded from destruction and a number of endangered species are once again prospering, including the Giant Ibis, Cambodia's national bird.    

SIU Vision is a social enterprise promotes healthy food to support Fair Trade.

SIU Vision is awarded by Fair Trade Hong Kong with Fair Trade Corporate Silver award in 3 consecutive years.   

SIU rice is Caring:         
SIU bought rice from Cambodian farmers at a fair price to let them earn their living with dignity, and have a better chance to move out of poverty.

  • 選項 Option: 您捐一, 我捐一 : 惜食堂. You donate 1, I donate 1 : Food Angel
  • 產品類型 Product Type: 食品 Food & Snacks
  • 品牌 Brand: Siu Vision