SIU薑米水(自加糖, 1袋4小袋裝) #老薑 #薑母 #散寒暖胃 #溫暖四肢

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SIU薑米水(自加糖, 14小袋裝) #老薑 #薑母 #散寒暖胃 #溫暖四肢




配料: , 免浸有機红米, 有機棕櫚糖




放入真空壺, 98度熱水焗15分鐘,

建議紙沖一次一杯水的容量250ml, 效果更好.

每包可焗750cc = 750ml毫升, 3杯水的容量. 



SIU Vision是一家提供功能性環保產品社企.

SIU Vision 連續3年獲香港公平貿易聯盟嘉許"公平企業銀賞" 


*SIU 捐贈米類型基於免浸有機三色米, 如以上產品因任何原因缺貨,將會替換為其他SIU米產品取代而不作另行通知,敬請見諒。
 Soak Free Three Color rice will be donated primarily, If the above products are out of stock for any reason, it will be replaced by other SIU rice products without prior notice.

Ginger with Organic Soak Free Red Rice water packet (Self Add Organic Palm sugar, 4 small packs in 1 bag) #disperse cold #warm stomach #warm the limbs #Made In Hong Kong


Dispel cold and warm stomach

Warms limbs and helps increase immunity

Suitable for cold limbs, loss of appetite, and fatigue


Brewing method:

Put a small bag of rice water and 5g organic palm sugar (can skip the step of adding sugar)

into the vacuum pot,

Add 98 degre hot water and Steep for 15 minutes.

It is recommended to drink 1 time, 1cup 250ml for better effect.

Each small pack can brew 750cc = 750ml,


SIU Vision is a social enterprise that provides functional environmentally friendly products.

SIU Vision is awarded by Fair Trade Hong Kong with Fair Trade Corporate Silver award in 3 consecutive years.  

  • 選項 Option: SIU薑米水(自加糖, 1袋4小袋裝) #老薑 #薑母 #散寒暖胃 #溫暖四肢
  • 產品類型 Product Type: 食品 Food & Snacks
  • 品牌 Brand: Siu Vision